As the Director of Operations responsible for overseeing Professional Services, Managed Services and Project Management at Synnapex, Pauline is passionate about asking the right questions to feed her fascination with information, processes and people. It’s her naturally curious approach that transforms her teams and optimizes operations.
“What I enjoy is empowering employees to have the confidence to make decisions,” says Pauline, who focuses on helping the Synnapex team members grow as individuals. “I empower the team members by teaching them to have assurances and confidence.”
With over two decades of experience in the automotive and financial industries, Pauline uses her Six Sigma and Lean Sigma Certification training to optimize processes and operations. She enjoys ripping processes apart, asking questions to understand how it should work and then, putting an optimal solution together. The result? Stripping out unnecessary workflows, adding value to other roles and growing individuals.
“Information fascinates me, and I use it to feed my curiosity for people and processes.”
Pauline spent 18 months in a sales role learning about Synnapex and their customer’s needs and experience. “This role provided invaluable information that you can’t get sitting in the back shop” she explained. Understanding our customer’s needs while balancing that with, both the needs of business and employees, is the science that intrigues Pauline.
When you ask Pauline what drives her, it’s the satisfaction of contributing to the individual’s success or to a positive outcome for the business and employees (just as she does in her spare time with event planning—she loves to see the smiles on people’s faces). It’s that feeling of helping and empowering people.