As a Solution Architect at Synnapex, Michael is adamant about perfection—or getting as close to it as possible. He’s proudly obsessed with details and is relentless about finding ways to optimize workflow. The more efficiently Synnapex works, customers ultimately benefit.
“Everything is under the microscope for me,” says Michael, crediting his nitpicky nature to his technical background. He holds a CCIE certification in Routing and Switching. His other areas of expertise include network design, wireless design, collaboration edge architecture, voice-enabled networks and security.
“As long as you have happy engineers, you have productive engineers.”
If you ask Michael what drives him to be the best, he’ll tell you about the power of the underdog. An avid hockey player, he’s often the shortest player on the ice at 5 feet, 5 inches tall. Yet he never backs down from chasing the puck out of a corner, even if it means getting surrounded by giants twice his size. His battle scars from knee and shoulder surgeries prove he never gives up.
Michael brings his that same competitive edge to Synnapex. Joining the team in the early stages of the company in 2015, he was attracted to the idea of building an organization with unbeatable technical expertise.
Today, Synnapex continues to grow and Michael plays an important role fostering company culture among the department managers and engineers. Whether that means teaching team members technical skills “the Synnapex way” or playing Super Smash Brothers together, Michael believes that strong teams are critical to the company’s success. “As long as you have happy engineers,” Michael says, “you have productive engineers.”