When Ehsan Emad was young, his father bought their first computers. It was the early 90s and computers weren’t nearly as commonplace and this meant that figuring them out wasn’t the easiest thing in the world. Luckily, Ehsan was able to figure out how to play a game. When his dad saw what he’d done, his father signed him up for a programming class. 30-some-odd years later he’s still figuring out computers as Synnapex’s Technology Lead.
A few years later Eshan was studying Computer Hardware at school when he took some networking classes from Microsoft. “There was some sort of announcement that if you want to create your future, go with Microsoft. So I attended Microsoft classes and I really enjoyed it,” said Ehsan. “They told us that if you want to be a real network engineer, you have to follow Cisco,” he said. “Right after that Microsoft class, I attended a Cisco class. In those days, it wasn’t like now. We never had any online training videos, it was only a few books and no simulator.”
“I wanted to be in an environment where they go for more and dare for bigger things. I found that Synnapex has the same mindset.”
In the time since, Ehsan hasn’t stopped learning about the technology that drives our world. He has earned his MBA, a DBA, and finished his PhD in Computer Science. He’s also a CCDE, a quadruple CCIE (Security, Collaboration, Data Center and Enterprise Infrastrucutre) and holds a CISSP.
His involvement and training with Cisco led Ehsan to Synnapex. “I prefer to work in a smaller, but challenging environment. A Cisco partner is very good for me because they always interact with different people, different projects, and different challenges,” he said.
When he’s not working with computers, Ehsan loves to learn more about the world, “Knowledge is relaxing for me,” he said. “Most of the time I’m studying and I enjoy it.” Ehsan also makes time for movies and sports.